Saturday, May 21, 2011

California Trip Part 1 - The Flight


I had researched and asked about flying with an infant.  Received some good advice from experienced friends and was really set to go.  Austin is truly a good baby so I was not worried one bit about the ride over.  He would flirt and socialize and when he needed, whine a little for some food and sleep.  No problemo!

Umf.  Well, the morning didn't start out so well with a forgotten stroller that needed to be retrieved and all of a sudden a two hour leeway turned into a rushed boarding that set us up for an interesting plane ride on a full flight.  Austin was great at first.  He took the bottle as we took off and didn't complain about pressure changing.  About a half hour later and all of sudden, I had an inconsolable child that needed his diaper changed and the pilot had not turned off the seatbelt sign.  Once permitted and a diaper change was had, on a very tight changing table in the lavatory that made Austin very upset, the next couple hours were challenging.  I spent most of the those two hours consoling and entertaining him in the back of the plane in the flight attendent station.  Once he conked out, I returned to the window seat of row 29 and he slept for about two hours (thank God!) while I barely moved in the seat for fear of waking him up and I apologized up and down to the sweet ladies in the middle and aisle seats for our little meltdowns. 

The second flight was a breeze from Los Angeles to Santa Barbara as he slept and I chatted with a college kid from outside Austin, Tx. 

There are no pictures to post - I simply did not have the energy!

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