Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Austin is ONE!

As I mentioned in my last post, I was checked into the hospital on Thursday, December 16 to be monitored until Austin was past the 37th week and just in case there was an issue of a placental abruption, a complication from high blood pressure. This is where the placenta detaches from the uterus thereby cutting off nourishment and blood to the baby and Austin would have to be delivered immediately.

Getting ready for c-section.  Boy was I feeling sick.

Monday was the target day to start and Sunday night, the induction process started.  Unfortunately by Tuesday afternoon, and after a second round of inducement drugs, it was evident that little Austin was not coming out willingly.  He was just as happy as could be but with my blood pressure remaining high and the little chance that we would progess at all the following day, we decided to go ahead and do the cesarean that day.  The next thing I knew, they were wheeling me into the operating room about 45 minutes later!  Man, did I all of sudden get nervous about parenthood.  It hit me quick that "this little guy was coming out now and voila, we were going to be parents!"

Matt was absolutely fascinated about the procedure and watched with the watchful eye of a surgical intern in residency.   I, on the other hand, did not want to hear a thing about it.  I asked about some pulling and pressure but other than that, spare me the details.  At 2:34 pm, Austin was born and I could hear his scream.  I immediately teared up and took a deep breath, relieved that Austin was finally here.  

Precious boy.  Minutes old.

Austin was born the Tuesday before Christmas, December 21, 2010, the winter solstice and the first lunar eclipse on a Northern Winter Solstice since 1638.  What a special day indeed.

Daddy's "mini-me "

Our first family picture!

Austin, my dear son.  You are an amazing little boy.  This past year has been filled with so many moments of joy, growth, learning, excitement and wonder for all of us.  You are such a happy boy. We are so blessed to have you enter our lives and to be your parents, your teachers, your students and two of many, many admirers.  It really is a miracle that someone so perfect has come from two imperfect people.  How did we get so lucky?

Happy birthday Austin Jacob.  You are now ONE YEAR OLD!

Cake Fun


P.S.  You took your first step this past Monday, December 19th.  Here we go!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

In Another Month, Austin Will Be One!

This time last year, we were hosting Thanksgiving dinner at our house.  I was about 32 weeks pregnant and just HUGE!  I was a waddler, I must admit.  We had my folks and brother over and Matt had his parents over, so it was the seven of us.  My Dad did most of the meal preparation, which he is very good at and Chris and Kirby brought pies and macaroni cheese (my request, yum!). 

Hello Austin! Thanksgiving 2010

Not sure if it was the excitement of it all but I ended up developing pregnancy hypertension and thus begun the watching and mandatory resting to make sure both you and I were safe and that you could stay in my belly for as long as possible.  The magic week to reach was week 38, if my blood pressure didn't go back down and allow Austin to stay in for a full 40 weeks.  

Well, we fell a little short.  I went in for my now bi-weekly checkup where my blood pressure was high and I was a little swollen in the face so they asked me to go ahead and check myself into the hospital.  That was Thursday,  December 16th.  Boy, I was nervous!  To be continued....

This last month, we did one of things that I had been looking forward to since you were born and that was to go to a pumpkin patch and a corn maze.  We went to Uncle Shucks Corn Maze in Dahlonega, GA and it was lots of fun.

The Maze

You really enjoy this vantage point!

It was hot this day!  In November!

Mommy, is this corn GMO?

We also visited with your cousins, Liann and Ellie @ Imagine It, Children's Museum.  It is more like a large play room but it has great props, like a John Deer tractor and a large, ball moving assembly for older children.  You mostly slid down slides and followed Daddy through a mole maze.  It was enough to tire you out!

Austin and Liann before the "smooch"!

We also dressed you up as one of the characters, "Sulley" of the movie, Monster's Inc.  You were very precious. "Sulley" didn't technically have one eye, but I didn't expect Old Navy to get it exactly right.  Nevertheless, it was a perfect costume for you, I must say.

Old Navy's version of "Sulley"

At eleven months, you are now walking behind objects as you push them around.  We have a large bucket that is the right height and you just push that around the living room.  You really love getting around that way and you look to us to make sure we are watching this amazing trick.  I created a "fort" in the living room for you to hide, play peek-a-boo or just crawl in and out of.  We often get on all four's with you and crawl in and out as well.  It is a great game and it delights you so.

The Fort
We are heading to California for Thanksgiving week to see your great-grandparents (Black side) and your grand parents (my folks) as well as some of our cousins.  Plane trip! By now you are a pro as this will be your third leg across the country!

Love, Mommy.

Monday, November 14, 2011

For Austin's Sake

When coming up with the name of this blog, I was really stuck on trying to come up with something spunky, catchy or all encompassing.  I had pondered for days.  Had things I wanted to post but as any blogger knows, you have to create the name first before you begin writing when it comes to a blog otherwise you are "out there" with "" or "" (wait a minute, I like that one!).  Anyways, the purpose of this blog was to create an avenue that I can document Austin's first year or so for the "benefit of him" and then just simply said, "I am doing this for Austin's sake" and voila!

The very meaning has taken on a much deeper goal however, as now my purpose for almost everything I do is "for Austin's sake".  Not just this blog, but so many more important things.  Having Austin has changed the world for me: who I am, what I am willing to do, priorities, my interests, how I see world, how I view the environment, etc. 

For instance, I now cook.  Hated cooking before him.  Absolutely loathed it.  Would try and figure out a way to get my sustenance out of a bag, box, or someone ELSE is doing the cooking for me.  When my husband looked into my bare cabinets and fridge and saw cereal, milk and condiments, he knew right away what he was getting into.  The transformation didn't change right away for me but when I started understanding that I not only had a hard time carrying my ever-growing baby boy at 4 months and I also felt like I was hit by a mack truck every single day although he was sleeping better; it was clear something needed to change.  So I began my journey towards cleaner eating based on my research of hormone imbalances, fatique and stubborn toxic weight.  And if you are going to eat clean, you HAVE to cook unless you want to eat everything in its raw form.  Plus I didn't think it was fair to my husband to demand for him to change his cooking style to complement my new found directive.  Nope, this was a project of mine.

Secondly, I buy organic, as much as I can.  It is better for him and is also better for us.  Check!

Third, I am exercising again.  Now, I say again because I used be a fitness fanatic.  Running, Spinning, weight lifting (I was boning up to compete at one point).  I was about 50lbs less than I am now and not one part of my body hurt.  Now, I am not going to go down that road again, but I have a purpose that keeps me on track.  It is "for Austin's sake" that I feels better, my body doesn't ache so I can keep up with him, and that I stay healthy for the rest of my lifetime.

Lastly, I am more aware of the world around us.  I am paying attention to the government, the environment, the economy, etc.  What is happening now will affect his future.  I think it is our responsibility as parents to be cognizant of the world around us and be stewards to our children's futures. 

So, "for Austin's sake" is my purpose and I now have faith that I am no longer a mission impossible!


Friday, October 21, 2011

10 mos! Oh My!

It certainly has been an amazing month.  You have graduated from crawling to standing up while supported by something and you do it every chance you get.  You have even "let go" and stood up for a few seconds before falling on your rump.  Daddy has lowered the crib so you when you stand up, at least your chest is somewhat below the top portion and can't climb over....yet, anyways!  It really cracks me up when I find you standing in the crib waiting for me to come get you from your daily naps.  Big smile, as always.

I am absolutely crazy with video taking and you as the main star.  You with Maggie and Jazzy, you crawling, laughing or standing.  In awe at your daily development and I cannot get enough!  I am positive you will be absolutely bored with all the video's taken of you but I have this obsession with letting people see you as I see you every time I can.  Not sure it is possible to convey such a thing but I can't stop!

You are my workout partner at my stroller workouts and training runs each week.  You just hang back in your stroller (more appropriately nicknamed "personal escort vehicle") and get a view of the sites as we run along and are just as content as ever.  Crossing your legs at the ankle is your signature position.  

Did I mention that you are getting into everything????  Your curiosity is boundless!

Does this hat make me look cute?

Maggie and Jazzy time

So, is this a permanent thing?

Hi Mommy!

Hmmm...something in your mouth again?

The reality that you will be one year old in a couple months is hitting me with both sadness and elation.  You are getting so big, so quickly, and I am longing to pull back and just cuddle with you as often as I can.  But I also know that seeing you grow and explore is just going to get better and better and I cannot wait to explore with you!

Love, your Mom.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


I am the king of nicknames.  I create one for just about everyone because it is my little way of expressing an endearment to that person. My brother Peter, is "Pedro", Matt is "bubby", his Dad, Kirby, is "the Kirbmeister", my Mom, "mommy dearest", and Austin is no different!

Let me list them:
  1. Pooper Scooper:  Lets not ask why I came up with this name, but those that know me, know.  To me it means "cutie" and when Austin is "being cute", he is "scoopin poop"!
  2. Austa Luego
  3. A-Man
  4. Oostin
I know I have more, but the above are the common ones!

Hasta Luego!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

9 months and counting!

Well, happy nine month birthday my little man!  You are developing such a personality and it is just precious to start seeing you assert your wants and desires and show the need to do things "on your own".  

Boy you are a crawling fool and can now reach speeds that would leave a cheetah in your dust!  Constantly on the go and when you focus on something, there is no stopping you.  We are teaching you the word "no" but you just giggle at me although I am trying to be stern and show a straight face.  How do I not laugh with you???  Yoga moves are a new thing for you.  Doing the downward dog is a favorite as you build your legs up for longer range travels!

What are you doing over there???

That pose is perfect!

I am "Eating Well" Mommy!

I'm done Mommy


You are learning to feed yourself now.  You handle the bottle all on your own and we have ventured to frozen popsicles filled with pears, yogurt and other favorites.  You are doing well.  We are going to stop feeding you solely with the spoon and let you begin feeding yourself little bits of your favorite veggies and fruits.  I think you are ready to begin eating some chicken and other meats too; we are going to have some fun.

Today you had your nine month wellness check and you weighed in at 23.9 lbs and 30.5 inches.  What a big, strong boy.  You are very healthy and a big thumbs up from the doctor!  Truthfully, the doctor was mainly impressed with your hair.  It is so curly at the top and it is beginning to curl in the back and is a fond subject of each and every friend and stranger that you come across.  Mommy can't wait for more curls; Daddy not so much. Ha!  You have seven teeth now and the doctor and I think you have a molar coming in already.  Understandably, you have been a little fussy but who can blame you with such a big tooth pushing through!

Oh! Don't let me forget!  You said "da-da" twice today.  I guess we can consider that your first word since you repeated it at two separate times today!  Good boy and your Daddy was so excited to hear his name.  He is extremely proud.

Again, happy nine months my love!  Mommy and Daddy treasure you so!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Virginia Adventure and 8 mos old!

I can't believe it has been a month since my last post.  It has been a busy month though!  First of all, Austin turned eight months old!  He has been growing rapidly, but handsomely and we are loving his new found mobility.  We have cordoned off the fireplace and shelving on either side to keep those areas safe from the wrath of Austin, for now and we will see how everything else shakes out.  I had been waiting for this moment and although I love it, it is definitely a constant duty of baby proofing around here!

Austin loves being tickled and is very playful.  His smiles are contagious and he is definitely aiming for a reaction from us when he does it.  I have even witnessed him slapping his hands together (like we would knee slap) when he found something to be funny.  What a joker!

Mommy goosed me!

What a dreamboat!

We are blessed to have friends that loaned us their condo in the Virginia mountains located near Charlottesville at the Wintergreen Resort.  It was amazing and about 20 degrees cooler at 3000 ft elevation.  While there, we visited a few attractions, including the Luray Caverns.  We highly recommend seeing it.  It was pretty incredible as caverns go.

Amazing reflection!

Really amazing

The second place we went to was Monticello, the estate of Thomas Jefferson, our 3rd president of the United States, author of the Declaration of Independence and for the sake of our friends, the founder of the University of Virginia.  What an extraordinary mind and visiting the site made me want to learn more about him.  I see a biography to read in the future.  Definitely a must see folks.

All packed up and ready to roll!

View from Monticello of Mt. Alto.

Monticello estate

He was pooped!

View off the Blue Ridge Parkway

Who has Austin???

The drive to Virginia was a long one from Atlanta but Austin was absolutely a wonderful traveler.  We did a few pitstops, went with the flow and in no hurry.  Probably the right attitude when traveling with a little one.  I am really looking forward to future adventures with the little guy and can't wait to see the world through his eyes.  What a treat!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Country Roads

The other night, Austin and I were having a discussion about whether he needed another bottle to go back to sleep.  He thought he did; I disagreed.  After rocking him for a bit I decided to sing to him one of my favorite childhood songs and one that I had been singing to him since he was weeks old, "Country Roads" by John Denver.  

I have one specific memory that I am fond of when I think of this song and that is on my fifth birthday in Hawaii.  I was "queen for the day" and was proudly wearing, what I think was, a Burger King crown hat.  A couple neighborhood kids and I decided we were going to sing "Country Roads" to our parents and I got to stand on a tree stump as the center of attention.  Have no idea if those details are true or if they were conjured up in my day dreams (I did that a lot as a kid), but nevertheless, it is a memory that I love.  I love singing it to Austin as well and it seems to settle him just fine:

Country Roads, by John Denver

Almost heaven, West Virginia
Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
Life is old there, older than the trees
Younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze

Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia, Mountain Mama
Take me home, country roads

All my memories, gathered 'round her
Miners' Lady, stranger to blue water
Dark and dusty, painted on the sky
Misty taste of moonshine, teardrop in my eye


I hear her voice, in the morning hour she calls me
The radio reminds me of my home far away
And drivin' down the road I get the feeling
That I should have been home yesterday, yesterday

Chorus x 2

Thursday, July 21, 2011

7 Mos Old!

This last month has been extraordinary in the changes we have seen in Austin!  He is sitting on his own and is super active on the floor now.  He rolls over to get where ever he wants to go.  Front to back, back to front, non stop. We are grabbing cords, reaching for things otherwise out of his reach and rocking constantly. Changing a diaper is interesting because the rolling over does not stop. 

Bath time fun!

First swim!


Blueberry fun!

Austin's has taken to eating mommy's homemade foods.  He has had sweet potatoes, squash, baked apples, baked pears with cinnamon, green beans, carrots, blueberries, watermelon, bananas thus far and we are going to start trying out some meat in the next couple weeks.  We are eating three meals a day while reducing our formula intake by about 10oz/day.  

Homemade goodness

We had a huge breakthrough just recently with stopping the acid reflux medicine that he had been taking since he was 8 weeks old.  We were so excited about this and I am sure Austin was glad to stop taking his daily "strawberry delight".  Also, we have also just recently switched to regular formula containing milk and he seems to be handling it well.  Looks like the milk intolerance is behind us as well!

First swing!
Austin slept for his first eight hour stretch a couple weeks ago so we got to experience a few "once a night" feedings for about a week, which was nice.  We are back to two times per night but his stretches are longer overall and he is learning to fall back asleep on his own although he definitely needs help to get to sleep.  This is fine by us as we do enjoy rocking him to sleep in our arms.

Standing practice

Drool machine!
As posted before, teething has been uncomfortable for Austin this time around.  We think the top two are coming in but it is still hard to tell at this point.  

Seven months old little boy!  Yay!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Just the other day a friend had wondered why I hadn't posted anything about teething.  The truth was, Austin went through the first set of teeth (the bottom two) with really no effort.  I mean, there was a lot of drooling and he did have a fever for one day about a month prior to them coming in but one day they just popped through and walla!

Well, literally that very night after speaking to my friend I discovered Austin had a low grade fever and realized that he may be teething again.  He had been drooling quite a bit again and chewing everything in sight (including trying for the dog's paw - yuck!). He also has had a few nights of having a tough time going down and staying asleep for any length of time.  Once we realized this, we started giving him Tylenol for relief and then switched to Advil.

It has been three days now and the poor kid is still running a low grade fever and seems to be bothered a little more than usual.  To say the least, it has been a nightmarish week for all of us.

Sweet Austin, believe me we enjoy every moment with you.  We are documenting these little trials though so we remember them with laughter and to eventually hold it over your head!  xoxo, Mommy and Daddy.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Milestone - Austin is 6 months old!

What an amazing time to be experiencing right now as Austin turns six months old today.  I feel like so much has happened in the last couple weeks (besides the last 6 months!), I am in awe of how much Austin is changing and coming into his own as a vibrant individual in this big, big world.  

As mentioned before, Austin has moved from an all day wear to just night/nap time wear for his brace.  Within that week, he was finally rolling over on his back with and without the brace and scooting all over the floor.  All of sudden, we are moving the coffee table downstairs and researching the safety proofing of the living room to get ready for this little guy to begin exploring beyond a 4x4 range of space.  Exciting and frightening at the same time because as parents we have to get used to keeping a closer eye on him and the freedom of going out of the room for even a second has been lost.  

We had a slow start to introducing solids but we are on our way and have figured out that we LOVE bananas and carrots thus far!  I do lots of singing and airplane moves and even show him that "mommy likes it too" to get him excited about eating this new way.  I admit I was weary of moving on from our routine, but this process is turning out to be fun for the both of us.  We will be feeding Austin homemade baby food, so we are pureeing fools and freezing the colorful one ounce cubes each week.  I've done sweet potatoes, baked peaches, carrots, and bananas thus far.  

Sweet Potatoes!

Father's Day was a big day for the "A" man as well.  The night before was a tough one for Austin and I.  I had been working on getting him back to sleep for about an hour and a half and gave up about 6am.  The next thing I know, he grabbed my finger and took a big chop and "OW!" that hurt!  Austin's first tooth broke through!  Yep, a little clear nib, that is sharp as ever, is peaking through!  I was so excited, we went upstairs and woke Daddy up to show him!

Happy six month birthday little man.  We love you very much and are enjoying every moment with you.  You are certainly the pride and joy of our lives.  Fun times ahead!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Train Ride - Blue Ridge Scenic Railway

On Saturday, we drove up to Blue Ridge, GA, which is about an hour and half north of us to take an hour long train ride to the GA/TN border of McCaysville, GA and Copperhill, TN.  The group that does it is Blue Ridge Scenic Railway and it was overall a pretty fun experience.  We met a couple there that live in the same area we do and one of the fun parts was that the husband had never rode on a train before and his wife kept the day excursion secret until they arrived in Blue Ridge and he saw the train.  He was delighted!  We rode in an open car - no windows, so we could catch the breeze but they do have closed cars that are fully air-conditioned.  The concessions were reasonably priced, which was a first I had experienced and the staff was super friendly.  

I have seen more scenic routes through north Georgia than the one this went along, by far, but you do ride along I believe the Ocoee River, where there were many folks tubing and canoeing, which looked relaxing.  When we stopped, we ate lunch in the border towns and although it was really just a small town, as I understand it there is a lot of activities that would be good for an overnight stay such as rafting, mining, and hiking.  The rivers are Class 4 and 5 rapids, which is a blast to do and I believe they held some of the Olympics games there in 1996.  

Anyways, here are some pictures, Austin had a much to look at, people watching, etc.  He is such a great little dude to take on trips like these!

I did find a great little orchard that I want to go to when he gets older.  It is called the Mercier Orchards and it looks like they allow you to pick your own apples, strawberries, blueberries, cherries, etc during certain times of the year.  What a way for Austin to learn where his food comes from!  He can pick his own!  Can't wait!