Friday, October 21, 2011

10 mos! Oh My!

It certainly has been an amazing month.  You have graduated from crawling to standing up while supported by something and you do it every chance you get.  You have even "let go" and stood up for a few seconds before falling on your rump.  Daddy has lowered the crib so you when you stand up, at least your chest is somewhat below the top portion and can't climb over....yet, anyways!  It really cracks me up when I find you standing in the crib waiting for me to come get you from your daily naps.  Big smile, as always.

I am absolutely crazy with video taking and you as the main star.  You with Maggie and Jazzy, you crawling, laughing or standing.  In awe at your daily development and I cannot get enough!  I am positive you will be absolutely bored with all the video's taken of you but I have this obsession with letting people see you as I see you every time I can.  Not sure it is possible to convey such a thing but I can't stop!

You are my workout partner at my stroller workouts and training runs each week.  You just hang back in your stroller (more appropriately nicknamed "personal escort vehicle") and get a view of the sites as we run along and are just as content as ever.  Crossing your legs at the ankle is your signature position.  

Did I mention that you are getting into everything????  Your curiosity is boundless!

Does this hat make me look cute?

Maggie and Jazzy time

So, is this a permanent thing?

Hi Mommy!

Hmmm...something in your mouth again?

The reality that you will be one year old in a couple months is hitting me with both sadness and elation.  You are getting so big, so quickly, and I am longing to pull back and just cuddle with you as often as I can.  But I also know that seeing you grow and explore is just going to get better and better and I cannot wait to explore with you!

Love, your Mom.

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