Monday, March 26, 2012

15 Mos and Counting!

I always find it amazing that these months pass by so fast and I am able to keep any memory at all given the speed that they go by.  Yep, the young chap is now 15 months!  

We are having a blast with the early warmer temperatures and have sprung into Spring with full force.  Austin really enjoys going to the park and observing the other kids, playing on the slides and spinning anything that "spins".  He has learned to go up the corresponding steps to reach the slide, will wait for someone to take their turn and often does the splits as he goes down the slide.  I just cringe with the thought of my body doing that.  Limber little guy!

His night "shooooeeeesss" and brace

He really has done a number on his crib with his night time shoes and brace.  Austin just tosses and turns and slams his brace and shoes on the sides of the crib each time.  He has thankfully, however, slept very well with them and has been wearing them for a year now.

Ready to enter the workforce
Austin really enjoys playing ball with the dogs.  Although Maggie is a great retriever, she hoards the ball and I am sure Austin has picked up "Maggie, drop!".  When she does, Austin puts the ball in his right hand and we help him throw it to the dogs.  It's a treat for all parties.

Prickly Alberta Spruce

Monster Feet!
We are lucky to get so many of Austin's clothes from a friend in Austin, TX (hmmmm).  Torin is about 1.5 years older and although they were born on opposite ends of the seasons, Austin seems to be about 6 mos ahead on clothing size, so the hand me downs are just perfect!

"Maggie, drop the ball!"

My dream of my child loving a dog is coming true.  Austin loves his furry friends and I think they kinda like him too.

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